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A new field season, time to start looking for invasives! (archive)
Published on Wednesday May 27, 2015
Authored by PEIISC
At last the field season is in full swing in PEI National Park. Our students and I just spent the day picking garlic mustard in the rain at Cavendish Grove. Lots of fun! Soon we will be walking all the trails, campgrounds and other public areas looking for the five species we have targeted; garlic mustard, glossy buckthorn, Japanese knotweed, purple loosestrife, and Scotch pine.
The good thing about early detection is plants are much easier to deal with. One year after the Gulf Shore Parkway was constructed we found a few sprouts of Japanese knotweed emerging from the gravel both in Cavendish and Brackley along the trail. They were immediately tarped and while there are a few determined sprouts still popping through, we have almost conquered them, quite different from the old established homestead sites. The point of this tale is the benefit of early detection when dealing with invasive species.
– Linda Thomas, PEIISC Member and Resource Management Officer at PEI National Park.
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