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Buyer Beware! Plant Me Instead (archive)

Published on Thursday March 10, 2016
Authored by PEIISC

This Wednesday we hear from PEIISC Chair and gardener, Beth Hoar.

I am an avid gardener. I love plants (especially ferns) and plant a mix of native and non-native species.

My favorite activity is spending time in my yard, both working in my perennial beds, planting new trees and shrubs or just wandering around enjoying all the plants and the wildlife.

We gardeners choose horticultural plants for many reasons… we have a spot that nothing will seem to grow in, we want a plant that will out-compete the weeds, we want an instant perennial bed to enjoy and make our yard more beautiful, we like to grow unique plants that aren’t often found here. The list of reasons goes on…

It is great that people love plants. They have lots of environmental benefits. Things start to go askew when we find plants that don’t comply with the rules and they start to spread and cause us problems (like consuming other plants…) I am sure you have all experienced that! The great groundcover that starts to spread nicely and all of a sudden you realize it has gotten out of control and your two favourite ferns have disappeared or even worse, they escape from our yards and start to eliminate the native plants that grow in our natural areas and that our wildlife rely on.

It is because of these invasive plants that many Province’s Invasive Species Councils have developed “Plant me Instead” brochures. These brochures identify some of those plants that “don’t play by the rules” and are best to be avoided. That all sounds great but what if one of those plants listed as invasive is your favorite? The brochures also provide alternative non-invasive choices that are selected to fit into the same niche as that invasive that you loved or have similar characteristics so your plantings can have the same look and feel.

Our Invasive Species Council does not yet have a “Grow me Instead” publication…. great future project!

What is the most invasive plant in your yard??

Quote from the Invasive Species Council of BC’s “Be PlantWise Program – “Be suspicious of exotic plants, bulbs and seeds promoted as ‘fast spreaders,” “vigorous self-seeders” and/or “drought resistant.” Invasive plants often have the very characteristics we seek the most in plants.”

Here is a link to our PEI Invasive Species Council webpage where you can find other IS Councils “Grow me Instead” brochures: ../links

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