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Gail Wallin visits with the PEIISC (archive)
Published on Wednesday September 30, 2015
Authored by PEIISC
Gail Wallin, the Executive Director of the Invasive Species Council of BC and the Co-chair of the Canadian Council on Invasive Species was on PEI this week and took some time to meet with the PEI Invasive Species council to discuss invasive species issues. Gail brings together decades of experience in natural resource management and facilitation of complex issues along with non-profit management. She has also worked across Canada building foundations and networks on key issues including invasive species, forest education and strengthening rural communities.
Gail is one of the founders of both the Canadian Council on Invasive Species and works closely with invasive species groups across Canada to reduce the introduction and spread of invasive species across known pathways.
Thank you Gail, for your support of the PEI Invasive Species Council!!
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