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PEI Envirothon 2015 Recap (archive)
Published on Thursday December 10, 2015
Authored by PEIISC
This week we hear from our Parks Canada representative, Linda Thomas:
It is mid-December and while most of the invasive species are in winter mode, it is important not to let their presence fade too far away in our minds. I would like to take this time to share the wonderful experience Julie-Lynn and I had representing the Invasive Species Council of PEI for the Provincial Envirothon at the end of October. The theme for the 5th question (which will be the same for the national competition) was “invasive species”. Ken Mayhew and his team presented the provincial teams with the challenge of choosing one of three hypothetical situations of garlic mustard infestations on PEI and presenting a plan for dealing with the situation considering all the economic, regulatory, and social factors involved.
The students were contagious in their enthusiasm, as they displayed fine examples of their abilities, knowledge and problem solving skills. Congratulations to the organizers Ken Mayhew and the Department of Forestry. Good Luck to the Montague team that will be representing PEI at the national competition in July. We both left the event re-energized and positive, thanks to all of the above for lighting a fire for me; just what I needed at this time.
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